orkitec a new decade. Plans for 2020.

The last years have been quite intense but In the past I rarely shared anything about my professional or hobby indie gamedev endeavours. I read, watch and follow the progress of a few indie game developers and always find it quite motivating, so for 2020 I decided to share more about my ongoing process and progress since I also decided to work on a new game and fix and re-release an older game of mine. So far I have rebuilt my website on jekyll, added a blog and retrospectively written devlogs summarizing the happenings of 2019 and 2018 as well as some basics information for all past projects but there is much more to come it just takes quite a bunch of time doing all this content. In addition to that I also want to properly learn paragliding, keep time to go to the gym 2-3 times a week and go running, learn to play guitar, learn speed reading, write regular blogposts, learn to video edit, release regular videos on youtube and stream on twitch but also make sure to sleep enough. Already while writing this I know its probably too much since orkitec is just a small side thing besides my main job but I’m very motivated to tackle many of these things. Overall since so many things in life its a marathon and not a sprint and all that stuff should stay fund since its hobby I don’t need todo any of this. To achieve my goals for this year I started to try out a new morning routine (I imagine a lot of people rolling their eyes now) where I get up before 7 am, shower, work for 2 hours on orkitec stuff, have breakfast and go to the office. My previous routine was quite the opposite where I came home, procrastinated, got annoyed that i did not achieve anythings worked till 02:00 or later at night and slept as long as possible to not be too late for the office. It kind of worked but the evening hours where stressful and getting up pretty annoying. Ideally I want to stream or at least record while working in this 2 hours and be able to use the video material for videos that i can then put on youtube. Unfortunately the recording and streaming idea has not worked at all yet for me since much of my time was spent on website building and article writing which is pretty boring to show but 🤞 I’ll get there and the website is nearly done! Time management is a hard thing especially if you are creative and have so many ideas and things you want to do accomplish. It needs constant reflection as well as restriction and good planning.
At the time of writing this it is end of February 2020 so I’m quite excited how the orkitec 2021 devlog will read 😏.