What about orkitec?
What does orkitec stand for?
An ork who is an architect?
Technology from planet ork?
Something with dragons?
The name actually does not stand for anything specific it originated of a nickname I used ages ago and I picked it when I officially registered as a business.
Who is orkitec?
Hi I’m Steffen the founder of orkitec.

What orkitec is and what it is not?
Most of what happens under the orkitec umbrella is in some way related to indie game development and the occasional app or service here and there. You can find more details about orkitec projects here. orkitec is not my full time job since during the day I’ve built and co-manage the software localization platform and company Applanga.
What is this site about?
Most of the content here is somehow tied to my solo indie game development huzzle with orkitec but also a portfolio collection of other projects I worked on, a blog with tutorials and a devlog with ongoing development progress.
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